Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Working on Art for Games

I'm working on creating artwork for Loolilia Version 2, and for my new Forest Survival game. It takes me a long time to create artwork, so I won't be done for a while with it. It has been quite fun drawing these images! Here is a sneak peak:
New Shifter
The background may change for this image, but this is what the Shifter looks like in Loolilia. If you haven't played the game yet, the Shifter is a Hero that can shapeshift into different Monsters. At the beginning of the game, she can only shapeshift into a Giant Spider, but she can learn how to shapeshift into other Monsters during the game. This is what the original version of the Shifter looks like:
Original Shifter

Please comment below to tell me which one you think is better! I made the original Shifter using Epic Character Generator, but I drew the new Shifter myself. People have suggested to me that I should use my own drawings instead of these computer generated images, but I really want to know what you think!

Here are images of the original and new Elf as well to compare:

New Elf
Original Elf